
Glassport fatal car accident: plunge from bridge kills passenger

A woman was listed in critical condition at a Pittsburgh hospital after a horrific crash near the Mansfield Bridge in Glassport that left her 21-year-old passenger dead. The car accidentoccurred in the early morning hours of Jan. 25 when a vehicle crashed through a concrete barrier on the bridge before landing some 40 feet below on West 5th Avenue. While the accident investigation is likely ongoing, police believe the driver was speeding when she approached the bridge and failed to navigate a sharp right turn, leading to the tragic collision.

The passenger was later declared dead at UPMC McKeesport. The driver was airlifted to a Pittsburgh hospital in critical condition. She was said to have suffered a subdural hematoma as well as broken arms, legs and a fractured pelvis. While police think that speed was the primary factor in the car accident, they do not as yet believe that alcohol or drugs played a part in the crash.

Sadly, this accident shows just how serious the consequences of reckless driving can be. The family of the deceased passenger will understandably want to know precisely what happened as they grieve a life cut senselessly short. If it is ultimately documented that the collision occurred in the manner described by police, the family of the victim may wish to pursue a wrongful death claim against the driver. Pennsylvania law provides for the right to file a civil lawsuit for monetary damages when a fatality has been caused by the negligent or reckless conduct of another.

Source: Pittsburgh Post Gazette, “One woman killed, 1 hurt in Mansfield Bridge crash,” Liz Navratil, Feb. 3, 2012



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