
Pedestrian left injured in wake of hit and run

The last thing anyone expects when out walking with a friend is being involved in a hit and run accident with a negligent driver. This is exactly the nightmare that happened to a 22-year-old Pennsylvania woman crossing the street with a friend in late June. When a male in his 50s failed to yield at the cross walk, he slammed into the woman, dragging her nearly 40 feet. She was transported to a local hospital with serious injuries to her head and back.

According to police, the man then got out of his SUV to check on her condition. Thereafter, he returned to his vehicle and fled the scene. The accident appears to still be under investigation. However, there were several eyewitnesses to the tragedy, making it likely this case will not go unresolved for long.

In this case, and many others involving vehicles and pedestrians, it is the driver’s responsibility to pay attention to his surroundings. Many times the cause of these types of accidents is a distracted driver. Whether be it texting, talking on a cell phone or day dreaming — whatever the reason may be for a collision — anyone involved in a car accident while crossing the street may benefit from learning more about their rights and options under the umbrella of the law.

In Pennsylvania, there are several laws in place to help victims of this type of hit and run accident and other similar incidents. Victims may be entitled to monetary compensation for what are often expensive and overwhelming medical bills. A successfully navigated claim could also include reimbursement for loss of income due to an inability to work because of injury, pain and suffering related to the injuries, as well as other damages permissible under our personal injury laws.

Source: wpxi.com, “Police search for hit-and-run driver after accident in Castle Shannon,” June 28, 2013



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