
Pennsylvania fatal accident: Manslaughter conviction secured

The driver of an SUV has recently been convicted in a Pennsylvania court for manslaughter charges. A husband and wife were killed in a fatal accident back in 2011 by a driver who was under the influence. He is currently free on a $150,000 bail.

The tragic accident happened when the 43-year-old male driver of an SUV was trying to pass another vehicle. The other vehicle was in the process of slowing down so that the man would be able to get back into the lane. A motorcycle carrying a husband and wife were approaching in the opposite direction when the two vehicles slammed into each other in a head-on crash.

Both the husband and wife have lost their lives in the accident. Reportedly, the man was having a diabetic episode at the time of the crash, but prosecutors allege that the man was driving under the influence. The man was convicted of two counts of involuntary manslaughter and vehicular homicide. He was also convicted of driving under the influence.

As the man prepares to be sentenced in Pennsylvania for this tragedy, he may have other civil matters to contend with in regard to the fatal accident. The surviving family of the husband and wife are likely struggling from the loss of their loved ones. The family members retain the right to pursue wrongful death lawsuits against the driver of the SUV and any separate owner of the vehicle involved. The court may award monetary damages to the deceased’s family if the evidence establishes that the other party negligently caused the deaths.

Source: lewistownsentinel.com, Briggs guilty of 7 charges, Kiernan Schalk, Sept. 13, 2013



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