
Tom Baumann Testifies Before State Legislature

In September of 2017, Abes Baumann Attorney Tom Baumann testified at an informational hearing before the Labor and Industry Committee of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. He was invited by the Committee to testify regarding his participation in the landmark Protz decision which held that the use of the American Medical Association Guides for Evaluation of Permanent Impairment to convert injured workers to partial disability was unconstitutional. Mr. Baumann testified along with an employee of the Pennsylvania Bureau of Workers’ Compensation, a doctor familiar with the AMA Guides, and an attorney who represents insurance carriers in workers’ compensation cases.

The legislature is trying to determine how to deal with the change in the Workers’ Compensation Law caused by the Protz case. Mr. Baumann was invited on behalf of Ms. Protz, his client in the case, and as a representative of the Pennsylvania Association for Justice. Mr Baumann notes that he felt honored to be asked by the Committee to speak. He will continue to do everything he can to support the positive changes for injured workers that have come about as a result of the Protz decision.



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